Solutions of practice worksheet 2 (class 6)

Solutions of practice worksheet 2 (class 6) Q 1:- Short answer questions: (2x7=14 marks) i) Can you think of creating a shape that would give a circular shadow if held in one way and a rectangular shadow if held in another way? Ans. Yes, Cylindrical object kept vertically will give rectangular shadow while Cylindrical object kept horizontally will give circular shadow . ii) Discuss in brief two ways of water harvesting. Ans. Increasing the availability of water is to collect rainwater and store it for later use. Collecting rainwater in this way is called rainwater harvesting. The two techniques of rainwater harvesting are: 1. Rooftop rainwater harvesting: In this system the rainwater is collected from the rooftop to a storage tank, through pipes. This water may contain soil from the roof and need filtering before it is used. Instead ...