The Solar System (Class 8)
The Solar System Q. Write a short note on each: I) Sun The sun is at the centre of solar system. It is the nearest star from us. Like all the stars the sun produces energy by transforming hydrogen into helium. Through a series of complex nuclear reactions, two hydrogen protons combine to form a helium atom. This reaction produces an enormous amount of energy. Hence, the Sun is the main source of heat and light for all the planets. The diameter of sun is 109 times the diameter the diameter of Earth. In volume it is 1.3 million times bigger than earth. Gravitational pull of the sun is 28 times the gravity of the Earth. A body weighing 1 kg on the Earth will weigh 28 Kg on the Sun. The sun rotates on its axis as the earth does. The sun completes one rotation in about 25 days. It also revolves around the centre of galaxy once in 225 million years. II) Mercury (Budh) It is nearest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet present in our solar system. It is very difficu...